God’s Country Is Always Great!
Good morning, Kids.
Today’s reading reminded me of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign slogan, “Make America Great Again,” because it sounds so similar to what God’s chosen people were constantly begging Him to do, that is, to “Make Israel Great Again.”
And, then I realized God’s country is always great. The truth is, we sometimes “choose” not to be a citizen of God’s country.
You see, Joshua led Israel across the Jordan River to take possession of Canaan, the land God promised to give them, but he warned the sons of Israel to remain faithful to God, or else they too would be driven out of the promised land.
We choose not to be a citizen of God’s country when we choose to disobey Him. America can be great again, if only the head of every American household would boldly choose to “serve the Lord” and to train the family to do the same.
This beloved hymn reminds us of Joshua’s final words to the sons of Israel before his death, “Choose for yourselves today whom you will serve … but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”
Dare to Stand Like Joshua, check it out:
Dare to Stand Like Joshua
We are bound for Canaan land,
Tenting by the way;
Who shall lead us on the road?
Choose your king today.
Dare to stand like Joshua,
Dare to say the word;
As for me and for my house,
We will serve the Lord.
When the dark Red sea of doubt,
Billowed in our way;
Then he parted every wave –
So he will today.
Just before us Jordan rolls,
Just across the way;
We can safely trust the Lord,
He shall lead today.
Have a great day!